I was a lost little king
In a kingdom of velvet
All covered with gold
And pearls that shone.
A lovely land of leisure,
All of my own making
Resting on the shifting sand.
But then a far, foreign king
In a castle of crimson
Demanded that I
Should pay him dues.
A laughable proposal
For I was my own master
So I refused to yield my land.
Then that far, foreign king
Sent his army of warriors
To capture my crown
And take my throne.
I battled with bloodlust,
Slaughtering his soldiers,
Taking my defiant stand.
And then the far foreign king
Sent silver-tongued ambassadors
To speak sweetest words
And entice me on.
I laughed as I gave them
Over to the jailers,
My executioner’s heavy hand.
But then the far foreign king
From the castle of crimson
Sent his only son
To take my place.
He shattered my self-centeredness,
Staggered by his steadfastness,
How great the length his love has spanned.
Now I’m a pleased little prince
In the castle of crimson,
All flowing with rivers
That glow with life.
Happy as a subject,
Singing as a servant
To everything my King has planned.